Preserving the life and health of employees, establishing the favorable working conditions are priorities for the Omsk Polypropylene Plant.
The company has implemented the international standard of the occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001.
Key areas of industrial safety of Poliom LLC:
A domestic computer training complex has been installed at the plant, due to which the employees can practice their behavior in various situations.
The complex helps to form and improve the necessary sustainable skills for the technological process control in any conditions that in general will improve the overall level of environmental and industrial safety of production. The similar simulators are used at the leading oil refining and petrochemical enterprises in Russia and in the world.
The simulator is able to imitate failures of various equipment and devices, for example, pumps, compressors, valves or sensors, as well as the emergency situations related to the commissioning of new devices, cutting-off of raw materials, steam or catalyst, etc. The set of exercises is maximally adapted for production at the Poliom plant.
Management policy of Poliom LLC
Occupational safety policy of Poliom LLC
ISO 45001 certificate of Poliom LLC
Consolidated statement of results of the working conditions special assessment in 2015
Consolidated statement of results of the working conditions special assessment in 2016
Consolidated statement of results of the working conditions special assessment in 2017
Consolidated statement of results of the working conditions special assessment in 2018
Consolidated statement of results of the working conditions special assessment in 2019
List of measures to improve working conditions in 2018
List of measures to improve working conditions in 2019